Nowadays, we do practically everything online, including shopping. As a result, there has never been a better moment to be in the eCommerce industry. Whether you’re selling boots, salad dressing, or anything else, you must have an eCommerce page. An eCommerce website can assist you in developing your brand, engaging with more consumers, and selling more products.
Web design is essential in developing an eCommerce website. A solid eCommerce website design is all about using the proper colors, fonts, photographs, phrases, and graphics to entice visitors to purchase. Your eCommerce website design architecture may captivate new consumers, provide a good user experience, and allow customers to see your shop in the best light possible.
As a result, your website must not only appear great and sound on-brand, but it must also entice your website visitors to act. So, how do you go about doing that? How do you create an eCommerce website where products fly off the virtual shelves?
The following are some of the best eCommerce web design ideas to help you take your shop to the next level:
Keep it free of clutter
Less is more when it comes to developing an eCommerce website. The more items on the page, the more it detracts from the website’s ultimate purpose of completing a transaction. A slew of bells and whistles on your eCommerce website is at best unnecessary; and worse, they can be a distraction. When concentrating on selling, maintain a basic, neat, and easy site that focuses on one thing…conversion.
Branding should be prioritized
When it comes to online shopping, customers prefer to buy from well-known companies rather than anonymous eCommerce website design platforms that appear to be a hoax to steal their credit card information.
If you want to build the trust essential to drive genuine sales for your eCommerce company, you must pay close attention to your branding. Your branding is similar to the DNA of your eCommerce business; it symbolizes who you are as a company, what you stand for, and how you differentiate yourself from rivals, and it is crucial to engaging with your audience and driving sales.
For smaller businesses this can be as simple as having a social media presence where you get some face time with your potential customers. They’ll grow to know you and trust you.
Think of yourself as a website visitor
You must think like your target clients if you want to create an eCommerce website platform that will resonate with them. Prospective purchasers want a few things from an eCommerce experience: an easy-to-use platform that is well-designed and makes the buying process quick, succinct, and painless.
Choosing a Web Design Agency that has experience in developing eCommerce sites is very important. During the design process, put yourself in the shoes of your visitor. What style would make it easier for them to navigate? How do you arrange the things such that the end-user understands them? How can you make the checkout process go more smoothly?
Consider yourself as your consumer, imagining what they want from your eCommerce store, and then work with your design agency to create a site that will match their demands.
Use color to your advantage
Color selection for the eCommerce platform requires more than just mentioning. Color is a really powerful weapon, and if you understand its psychology, you can utilize it to your advantage and generate some major sales.
different colors elicit different ideas, feelings, and actions in individuals; thus, if you want your eCommerce site to convert, you must leverage such color inspirations.
If you want people to buy something, for example, use a bright color like red to draw their attention to the purchasing button. According to color psychology, red inspires feelings of enthusiasm and passion, both of which are motivators for buying, and experiments suggest that having a button red would increase conversions by a staggering 34%.
If you want to improve your reputation, incorporate blue into your site design. Blue is not only a popular hue, but it has also been found to boost confidence, making it a popular option in the business sector. There’s a reason why blue appears in almost half of all logos. Color, according to the argument, is one of the most essential elements in your design toolkit, and when applied appropriately, it may have a major impact on your eCommerce design.
Effective design can take years to master, which is why hiring an experienced designer it paramount to having an effective online presence.
Use high-quality pictures
Photographs increase conversions, which is basic information in the realm of site design. One recent case study, for example, found that putting more relevant graphics into a website design improved conversions by more than 40%. This is especially true in the case of eCommerce.
Nobody will buy anything they haven’t seen. If you want people to buy your products, you need to show them what they’re receiving using high-quality product images.
Using quality images of all your items, as well as shots of your products from various perspectives, can help to inspire respect and trust in your customers. They are more inclined to purchase if they are certain that they understand what they are doing. However, if there are no images of the goods they want to buy or if there is only a single, low-quality image, they will be less likely to buy and your conversions will suffer as a result.
Make sure your eCommerce sites feature a lot of high-quality photos of whatever you’re offering. It would be beneficial to your conversions.
Security and Professionalism
The basis of an eCommerce platform is that you offer your website visitors to purchase items from you. As a result, you’re asking for personal information from them, such as their credit card number. And they would not feel comfortable doing so if the website did not appear professional.
Investing in a high-quality website is critical if you want to generate trust with your customers—and trust is critical if you want your eCommerce store to succeed.
What precisely do we mean when we say “professional”? The website should be free of errors and misspellings. Your typeface, color palette, and footer design should be consistent from page to page. Your product ties and buttons should both function properly. Your photographs should not appear to have been grabbed from an out-of-date iPhone 5, and your general site design should not appear to have been copied from GeoCities in 1997.
According to the reasoning, if you want your clients to take you seriously, you must demonstrate that you take yourself seriously, and the best way to do so is through excellent web design.
Create your eCommerce website right now
Designing an eCommerce website might be challenging, and if you’re up to the task there are many platforms that can help you accomplish your goals. However, we at Rocket Web are aware that most business owners don’t have the time to spend running their business AND their website. Let us help take care of your website so you can take care of business.